About This Blog
I’ve always been surprised by the lack of clear and transparent analysis of the New Jersey residential housing market. New Jersey is a very typical US state and one with a diverse and varied collection of communities. Data published about this large, diverse and robust market is limited and tends to be provided by large institutions unfamiliar with New Jersey towns or based on less robust information sources.
This blog contains data about one of the foremost residential markets in the US and professional interpretations and analysis in an attempt to foster discussions and highlight important trends.
The information contained in this blog are my own thoughts and interpretations and they aren’t intended to support any type of specific property analysis or be used for legal purposes. It is just to highlight interesting tidbits on the NJ housing market and foster more detailed discussion and analysis. Should you require specific analysis, an appraisal or appraisal review or legal consulting, conact me at tcaruso@njhomeappraisal.com